Monday 29 April 2013

Spring has sprung

Busy around here at the moment with one thing and another, I love this time of year.
The woods and the garden are taking off now that Spring has finally sprung..

Primroses are anazing

The primroses are amazing this year.

Ferns are unfurling

The ferns are unfurling.


The tulips mentioned here are now out..


And this beauty too.

The artichoke is growing like mad.

Rosemary in flower

The rosemary is covered in flowers.

Four new members of the family

These four chicks have joined the family..

I think we have a visitor in the veg patch!

and this new visitor is less welcome in the middle of my newly planted potatoes!!

The fields are being ploughed

Why can't the rabbit go and live in the field where they are planting thousands of potatoes rather than in our little plot.
Must go and do some sewing.
Skirts to make.

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